By Arthur Barron



My art work is metaphysical in nature, conceptual visions of the cosmos, universes, galaxies and other objects, portrayed with philosophical, religious and mystical symbolism.  The art displays both dark and illuminated elements of these created biospheres as well as whimsical depictions.  Jazz improvisation has a direct relationship to painting in the ability to create spontaneously. 

"Color is the keyboard, the eyes are the harmonies, the soul is the piano with many  strings.  The artist is the hand that plays, touching one key or another, to cause 
 vibrations in the soul"  Vassily Kandinsky

SIGNS AND SCENES 30" X 40" Illustration Board mixed media

EYE OF THE BEHOLDER 30" X 40" Illustration Board mixed media

DIAGRAMS 30" x 40" Illustration Board mixed media

COSMOS CALLING 30" x 40" Illustration Board mixed media

DARKNESS TO LIGHT 20" x 30" Canvas mixed media

SOUL SEARCHING 22" X 28" Illustration Board mixed media

PASSAGES 22" x 28" Illustration Board mixed media

THOUGHTS AND MEDITATIONS 22" x 28" Illustration Board mixed media